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Event: Navigating a post-pandemic world

MicroScope is holding a virtual event to discuss the changes that Covid-19 has sparked across the channel, what comes next and how to be more effective at digital marketing

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down and forced many across the channel to react to changes in their own and customers’ positions overnight.

Now, five-plus months after the crisis started to trigger lockdowns and mass movements towards home working, it is possible to chart the channel’s reaction to those early stages of the pandemic.

The channel across the board – vendors, distributors and resellers – reacted to the changing situation with a determination to help customers get through Covid-19. There were heroic stories of work done in record-breaking time to support customers, including the NHS, along with a host of initiatives that made sure help was delivered.

Having got through those first few weeks, thoughts started turning towards the “new normal” and what would be the lasting impact of the coronavirus. Would working from home remain popular? What will happen to industry events in the future? How can an industry so good at gaining customers from face-to-face interaction adapt to a world where that is not possible?

MicroScope has been covering the developments over the past few months and, in a virtual event, will not only share thoughts about what is coming next, but will also share valuable insights into digital lead generation and best practices for sales follow-up from TechTarget.

On the morning of 19 August, there will be a chance to hear how the pandemic is changing the channel and how digital activities can help it navigate those changes.

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