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About Sol Distribution

Sol Distribution is a UK-based value-added distributor of networking infrastructure solutions and specialist services, based in Oswestry, Shropshire, and serving a community of resellers and systems integrators in the UK and right across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. We offer best-in-class logistics, and have experience of shipping across the world and trading in multiple currencies. We can also provide flexible finance options to make working with us as easy as possible.

Sol’s main focus is on data networking, and we specialise in data centre, enterprise and industrial applications. The company can provide solutions in several networking areas including enterprise switching and routing, wireless LAN, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), network management & monitoring, optical networking and servers & storage. Sol is a channel-only distributor; we take a project-led, consultative, and collaborative approach, working with our channel partners to generate demand, improve your profitability, and grow our businesses together. Service plays a key role in our business, we have a fully-trained sales team providing our customers with excellent customer service and we can also provide marketing support. As well as this, we have in-house engineering resource and can assist with network design, installation, and training where needed.

About Stock in the Channel

Founded in 2009 to help resellers source hardware from authorised distributors, Stock in the Channel quickly grew to become an indispensable tool for the UK channel. Stock in the Channel has since expanded its services to be active in 22 countries, with over 25,000 registered customers across Europe, North America, and Australia. Thousands of resellers, VARs and MSPs use the stock search daily. The founders history of working with e-commerce a webstore offer soon launched, matching stock with product descriptions and adding margins to the resellers buy price. This was offered as both a datafeed and a turnkey Magento option. The company continues to grow and is financially strong

Stock in the Channel is trusted by over 25,000 IT Resellers

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